Company Name*Your Name*Re-type Your Name*Email* Job Position*Dev Website Address You Are Approving for Soft Launch* Final Live Website Address* By clicking "I approve" and submitting this form, you (herein referred to as "customer") authorize Vivid Candi, Inc.(herein referred to as "company") to soft launch your website live. You have fully reviewed any provided demo url from the company and approve it to go live as it is. You understand that a soft launch by definition means the site is not 100% complete in comparison to the original scope of work on the agreed contract or amount of labor hours allocated per the max cap of hours term of your original website contract. You also understand the company is happy to complete the remaining work post launch. Time is of the essence and customer agrees to pay the remaining 25% balance within 30 days of the soft launch or upon completion unless there is a reasonable delay by company exceeding a normal 3-5 business day response. Company encourages customer to continue the pace (i.e. reply within 2 business days of milestones) of a website project post soft launch so we can complete the full version per the original scope of work in customer's contact.* I agree CAPTCHA