FREE CONSULT image showing a video camera

Over 25 Years in Business.

Full Service A-Z Marketing with Deep Expertise and Passion.

Marketing Strategy

Full Service Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Public Relations (PR)

Photography & Videography

Video Production

Custom Website Development

Brand Development

Brand Guidelines

Logo Development

Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Media Buying

Copy Writing

Graphic Design


For 1 Location, Multi-Location or Chains

  • Leverage Vivid Candi’s 25 years of marketing experience and proven strategies.
  • Increase short-term and long-term month over month and quarter over quarter sales with a diversified marketing mix.
  • Multi-Channel integrated travel, hotel & tourism marketing through organic social media, paid social media, pay per click (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), print advertising, television advertising, radio advertising and more.
  • Rapidly grow your customer base through our proven travel, hotel & tourism email marketing strategies including customer journey emails, birthday emails, loyalty programs and more.
  • Collaborative marketing with other brands and local organizations to maximize your travel, hotel or tourism sales.
  • Promotional events and marketing to make a splash in your community including grand openings, sporting events, holidays, branded events and more. We have the team to make everything you need possible and deliver an amazing promotional event for your travel, hotel or tourism business.
  • We work closely and become a team with travel, hotel & tourism owners, CEO’s, CMO’s, managers and more to give a full court press effort. #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
  • Curate and deliver a continual flow of influencers for your travel, hotel or tourism business working with multiple verticals such as travel buffs, foodies, lifestyle, local, moms, dads, fashion and more.


Influencers can drastically and positively impact sales.

  • We create over 150-300+ influencer collaborations per month nationwide.
  • We find influencers for all platforms including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest and more. Influencers can exist on any platform and we’ll always be sure to find them when it’s a fit for your .
  • We work with micro influencers with 5-100k+ followers and macro influencers with 100k-10m+ followers.
  • We can set up influencers at any time, for grand openings, for special events, to celebrate their own influencer birthdays, for photoshoots and more. The collaboration potential is infinite and we’ll tailor it to your .
  • We are experts at seeking and curating influencers of every category in every part of the country. We vet all new influencers and check their insights.
  • We always measure the impact (aka BUMP) of each influencer post via clear KPI’s (i.e. likes, shares, views, clicks, comments, etc.) and will report back to you with insights and copies of the content and engagement generated.
  • We were one of the first agencies handling influencers when it became a thing back in 2017. Our experience in the influencer space is vast and so is our network of existing influencer relationships that are proven.
  • We manage all influencer situations with a legal agreement that ensures compliance, remedies and clear compensation. We never work with an influencer without a best practice legal agreement signed.
  • We have full time staff dedicated purely to influencer marketing so we can execute with absolute focus and deliver vivid results.
Instagram Logo
tiktok logo
youtube logo


Experience with nearly every major platform including Wordpress, Shopify, Wix, Squarespace and more.

  • 100% custom travel, hotel & tourism web development with a proven 3 phase process. We never use templates and we build the site from the brand up with a detailed custom layout process.
  • If we don’t develop your travel, hotel or tourism website, we can certainly jump in and help you update, maintain and even overhaul it.
  • Your first impression for travel, hotel or tourism website visitors is EVERYTHING. We do everything possible to ensure success with data driven decisions using your Google Analytics data and more.
  • Measuring KPI’s on your travel, hotel or tourism business website is key. We’ll ensure we maximize call to action opportunities and measure their KPI’s with conversion pixels, Google Analytics and more.
  • We can increase your bookings, occupancy rates and more while also growing your email database.
  • We develop with mobile first as 80% or more website visitors are likely to be mobile. We also optimize for a seamless experience on mobile and tablet.
  • Highlight what makes your travel business, hotel or tourism unique! Show off your amazing experiences & location with great photography and videography (which we can help you with too!). WOW CUSTOMERS!


Specialist in making you look your best in photos & videos since it’s the most important content you need to have. People decide with their eyes!

  • Showcase your travel, hotel or tourism experience with stunning visuals.
  • Full service photo & video team that can travel to you with professional grade cameras and lighting.
  • Expert creative direction and shot list creation as a part of our proven process.
  • Food & location styling to bring out your full potential.
  • Professional models and actors available to add life to your photos and videos.
  • We bring out the best from each approved photo with best in class photo retouching.
  • Video storyboard creation & professional video editing services.
  • Drone videography to capture dazzling images from the sky.


Free Restaurant Marketing Consultation


CALL US ANYTIME AT 310.456.1784


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