Have you been looking for new options for fonts for your website? I am sure that you are tired of just using the boring typical fonts like Arial, Georgia, & Times New Roman? Well, these are good, but sometimes you need different web fonts that have more style or that will fit in with your web design. The solution; Google fonts. Using Google Web Fonts is a great idea because the font library is packed with many different fonts that can meet just about any website needs. We love using google fonts, and we even have a few favorites. Here are our top 5 choices for fonts in the google web fonts library.
1). LATO
This google font family is GREAT! It is a great sans serif substitute when you want to use something a little different than Helvetica or Arial. This web font family has a great selection of font weights and styles from light to ultra bold italic. This is a one of the google web fonts that looks good in body copy and large typography.
I fell in live with this clean sans serif font when I first used it on a medical site in 2011. It is clean, straight-lined, and crisp. Questrial is also one of the google web fonts that you can use in place of your typical sans serifs. It also sports a uniquely clean rounded feel for a lot of its characters. This font goes well in navigations, body copy, and large text. Portfolio example: http://www.xenonhealth.com/ , http://shangrilaicedtea.com/
This google web font is one of the few serif fonts that I highly recommend. Prata has a very high end appeal with its character forms that go from thick to elegant thin lines. It screams high end classiness with a classic look like fonts you would find on the cover of Vanity Fair. This font is best at large size and when being used in navigations.
Another one for the high end google web fonts is Raleway! This is a classy sans serif font that has a thin elegant look. Typography looks great whether it is in all caps, lower case, or written normally. This thin high end font is best when used in large type.
Last, but certainly not least is Oswald. This is a tall sans serif font with three styles (normal, light, and bold). This google web font is great for many different types of site from fitness to news and ecommerce sites! It’s great at small and large sizes, so users can use it for just about anything. Here are some examples from our portfolio: http://www.follea.com/about/ , http://www.rippedtogether.com/ , http://gandccorp.com/