These days, the buzz is all about Facebook becoming Meta. Actually, let’s put it the way it really is. Meta will become the parent company and Facebook will be one brand of many under the hierarchy company structure. Earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg laid out the vision for Meta. He said, “We are at the […]
Marketing Strategies on How to Reopen Your Business During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic in 2020
The start of 2020 not only brought a new decade, but it also brought a new mysterious pneumonia-like virus outbreak known as the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). With the number of cases continuously increasing daily, the World Health Organization declared the novel COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic. Millions of people worldwide have been affected in one way […]
Top Valentine’s Day Marketing Strategies
With the euphoria of Christmas and New Year’s Eve far behind us, marketers across the world are getting ready for the next big event in the retail calendar: Valentine’s Day. A holiday based around consumers spending money on their significant other can result in a huge revenue boost for businesses. Therefore, investing in good marketing […]
SEO Marketing
What Is SEO Marketing The concept of SEO itself might seem intimidating for anyone trying to build a new brand, website or blog; However, with some helpful explanations and a little practice, SEO marketing will become your best friend. The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which ultimately uses organic search results to drive […]
How And Why Use Social Media Influencers In Your Marketing Strategy
Social media influencer marketing is all about building relationships. In a world where over 3.2 billion people are on social media, using influencers has become one of the fastest growing marketing strategies since 2018. Social media can feel impersonal, despite the voyeuristic thrill we get looking into the personal highlights of friends, strangers and companies […]
Create a Social Media Strategy and Watch the Numbers Grow
Building a social media presence is not as challenging as it may look. With the right tools, apps and photo tricks, creating an aesthetically pleasing grid is possible for every Instagram user. Our most important rule is to stay consistent. With that being said, consistency needs to be met with a theme and a proper […]