Vivid Candi Content Marketing

digital marketing agency

Why You Need Valuable and Relevant Content to Take Your Business to the Next Level! When it comes to marketing there are countless strategies and tactics you can use to launch your brand. Creating a campaign is easy, but creating a campaign that achieves your company goals is an entirely different story. When optimized correctly […]

SEO Marketing

SEO Marketing

What Is SEO Marketing The concept of SEO itself might seem intimidating for anyone trying to build a new brand, website or blog; However, with some helpful explanations and a little practice, SEO marketing will become your best friend. The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which ultimately uses organic search results to drive […]

Create a Social Media Strategy and Watch the Numbers Grow

social media strategy

Building a social media presence is not as challenging as it may look. With the right tools, apps and photo tricks, creating an aesthetically pleasing grid is possible for every Instagram user. Our most important rule is to stay consistent. With that being said, consistency needs to be met with a theme and a proper […]

Digital Marketing Services For Real Estate Professionals

Creating Results for Real Estate Agents, Realtors, Brokers, and Developers  Professionals in the real estate industry face a different set of challenges and obstacles from most other careers. In the real estate industry, you are required to know a lot of information about a lot of different topics. These include law, negotiations, sales, business development, […]

Car Dealership Digital Marketing

Car Dealership Digital Marketing

Car Dealership Digital Marketing It’s age old wisdom that “shopping around” is a must when it comes to purchasing a car. Prospective buyers who were smart, would go from car dealership to car dealership is search of the best deals. This was seemingly the only way to make sure that you were getting the best […]

Why Your Brand Needs Influencer Marketing

Why Your Brand Needs Influencer Marketing As humans, we seek advice and validation, especially from trusted sources. Many of the products and experiences we strive to obtain comes from seeing other people with them. We turn to social media to figure out what we want, and the more credible the source, the more we want […]

Advertising Firms in the Digital World

Advertising firms today have evolved and shifted to a digital marketing and technological world. The era of “Mad Men” is  long gone. Advertising firms used to focus on TV, radio, and print messages, but today, social media, digital media, and technology took over. The focus of advertising firms has shifted. In today’s world, brands need […]

The Latest Trends in Digital Marketing Agencies

The marketing world is constantly changing and improving. Today, digital marketing is a the top of the list. There are different trends in digital marketing agencies that are shaping the way marketing is done. Digital marketing agencies are looking for new ways to increase the power of the internet and make deeper and more meaningful […]

Real Estate Virtual Tours

Virtual reality refers to an environment generated by a computer. People can be transported to this virtual world with just a headset and become part of the virtual environment. Virtual reality has a combination of realistic environments, sounds, and other sensations that simulate a place. The user can be part of this place without actually […]