Late December 2013, our agency decided to do something good for the world that would impact people with positive messages on ways to save the world and improve the world on a daily basis! We had to start somewhere, SO WE BOUGHT THE COMMUNITY VIA PAID FACEBOOK LIKES targeting anyone with an interest in environment, green, eco and more! Yes, we cheated and got a head start and guess what it worked and numbers and data DON’T LIE! Just view the results 2 years later and notice how many of the paid likes we purchased engaged and view photos, liked, shared, commented and clicked on links. Since the initial purchase of likes, a few thousand more likes organically have happened. Our social community “You Can Save the World Right Now” has constantly grown in likes, shares, comments, engagement and MOST IMPORTANTLY POSITIVE IMPACT.
View the website for this social community that we built at www.youcansavetheworldrightnow.com.