Another great example of an organic non-paid post on Facebook! Got shared 15 times and anyone that knows Facebook marketing knows a share trumps a like or comment any day and multiples your reach and how viral your post goes!
Never hurts to have a celebrity let you post their picture on your Facebook! In this case, it increased our reach to thousands and created over 100 likes. Excellent result!
In April 2015, the California Governor announce our severe drought and our agency took it upon itself to help spread the world virally. Nearly 2,000 people in just 8 hours were reached, 20 people liked, 28 people shared and 136 people clicked and read the article we posted a link to.
Facebook marketing is about a mix of organic content that fans can connect with and social ads that promote your marketing message clearly. Our agency helps with this mix and will help organic, create and execute the content.
For LA pizzeria Prova, our agency created a countdown post for 5 days until they opened their doors for their grand opening. The result… 674 people reach in 1 posts, multiple comments, shares and 38 likes— all natural, no paid boost. Our graphic designers make the social graphics too!
Sometimes asking your customers to engage in the post by a simple question like “Which Pizza?” can result in the biggest engagement results! In this case nearly 6,000 people reached, 63 likes and 4 comments. Definitely a social success!