Greetings San Diego! Are you looking for some top notch graphic designers, or perhaps in need of some print ad design, logo development, corporate identity, poster designs, billboard designs, or other graphic designer services? If so, you are in luck! We are Vivid Candi, and our in house graphic designers are nothing short of top notch! They are all creative and very friendly, using the latest programs to make art. We have worked with many different companies, each fully satisfied with our work. We can help any business with any graphic design services needed including print ad design, logo development / corporate identity, poster design, corporate identity, billboard design and more. This will help your business by making it more appealing to the customer. Therefore leading to gaining another valued customer for your business. You can count on us on meeting any requirements needed for the graphic design you are asking for. We have a team of amazing, fun to work with graphic designers that can create any design you can think of. One of our specialties is our surreal super imposements. These are graphics that trick your eye into thinking some thing impossible is possible. At Vivid Candi, we have a ton of fun creating some of the best designs with the most creative graphic designers. What sets us apart from other agencies, is not only that we are so good at what we do, and yet very consistent at our work, and not only because we take practice in our work. What sets us apart is that we truly love doing what we do.