Why use Facebook Marketing in your strategy?

Facebook marketing strategy

Why Facebook?  According to 2019 Marketing Statistics, there are over 2.38 billion monthly active users globally on Facebook, including 1.56 billion active users who log onto Facebook every day. These statistics clearly show why using Facebook in marketing is important. Understanding how to market on social media platforms is an essential part of any marketing […]

How To Write An Effective Copy

how to write an effective copy banner

Why Do You Need a Good Copy? By definition, copy is writing that sells, so it must be compelling to an audience. An effective copy is an essential component in establishing credibility and trust while clearly pushing out important information about a product or service that gets people talking. The copy must be a mixture […]

Working with a Digital Agency

digital agency meeting

Are you interested in social media marketing, creating unique content or developing a mobile strategy? Do you enjoy bringing traffic to one’s sight by utilizing Search Engine Optimization tactics in blogs or webposts? If any of these tasks sound exciting to you, then working with a digital agency might just be the perfect fit! As […]

Vivid Candi Content Marketing

digital marketing agency

Why You Need Valuable and Relevant Content to Take Your Business to the Next Level! When it comes to marketing there are countless strategies and tactics you can use to launch your brand. Creating a campaign is easy, but creating a campaign that achieves your company goals is an entirely different story. When optimized correctly […]

What is Graphic Design?

graphic design

     Billboards, digital ads, posters, comics, digital art – are most likely the first words that come to mind when you hear the term, “graphic design.” Yes, graphic design does encompass each one of those mediums; however, it is much more than that. Graphic Design is defined as the profession or art of visual communication. This […]

Use Google Street View Photography To Make Your Business Grow

Certified Google Street View photography

Today, people can engage with brands and companies like never before. Google Street View is the ultimate technology to help your business grow. It is a form of virtual tour that showcases different locations around the world. When using it, faces are blurred and the specific location of your choice is shown in every angle […]

5 Rules of Restaurant Photography

Restaurant Photography

Have you ever been to a brunch or dinner where the “phone eats first”?  If not, you’re probably wondering what this term means. The “phone eats first” concept is exactly how it sounds. It means that once the beautifully plated food arrives at the table, the first to capture its deliciousness is the cellular device. […]

Increasing Brand Awareness Through Digital Marketing

brand identity

Whether you are offering a service or a product, your company needs brand awareness to generate sales and customer loyalty. In recent years, online reviews have climbed to the top of the list for impacting purchase decisions from consumers. Product and service reviews can have a huge impact, both positive and negative, on your brand […]

Responsive Web Design

responsive web design

It may seem surprising, but today more web traffic comes from mobile devices than desktops or laptops; To be precise, 70-80% of website traffic is mobile on average across industries. With a variety of devices available, from tablets to phones and everything in-between, it is very important that your website is able to work on […]

Digital Marketing Services For Real Estate Professionals

Creating Results for Real Estate Agents, Realtors, Brokers, and Developers  Professionals in the real estate industry face a different set of challenges and obstacles from most other careers. In the real estate industry, you are required to know a lot of information about a lot of different topics. These include law, negotiations, sales, business development, […]