How social media marketing via Facebook and Twitter can help your website

It is well known that Facebook and Twitter have become giant social media networks. This has become a plus for the advertising industry. Marketing can easily be infused into these social media networks to help promote a website.  This is done by creating a Facebook and Twitter page for the company looking to promote itself […]

Social Media Integration for Wordpress

Wordpress offers special plugins that work with Facebook and Twitter. These plugins can help boost Facebook and Twitter social media integration. Here are a few social media plugins offered by Wordpress : Facebook Fan Box – This plugin allows for posting of a Facebook fan box Twitter Goodies – This plugin integrates your tweets from […]

2011 Website Design :: Custom Business Apps

Website design has evolved. As of 2011 your website is practically a custom business app. Talk to Vivid Candi about how a website can enhance your business and increase profits.

Why Social Media Integration?

Vivid Candi is a full service digital agency located in beautiful Malibu, California. We cater to many of the largest companies in Los Angeles as well as around the globe. Vivid Candi’s team are not only masters at programming but also marketing. We are trained in taking a company and bringing it to a whole […]