Dallas Digital Agency

DALLAS DIGITAL AGENCY Part of our mission is to make our services available for businesses and organizations in all major cities across the U.S, Dallas Texas is one of them!      We now offer professional services like Web Development. Basically we can develop you’re website from scratch if you do not already have one, […]

Digital Agency Las Vegas

DIGITAL AGENCY LAS VEGAS Originally located in Malibu California, but thanks to Digital Real Estate now serving businesses, and organizations across the country, Vivid Candi is a full service digital agency offering professional services such as Web Development, Graphic Design, Digital Marketing, SEO, Printing, and more!        Since 2001 we have been developing […]

Digital Marketing Agency in Malibu

DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY IN MALIBU Just drive north up the PCH road and you will find yourself in a beautiful sunny side Malibu. Our digital marketing agency is located in the Carbon Beach Center. Specializing in many professions such as Web/Graphic design, and digital marketing, our full service digital agency brings results that are out […]

Digital Marketing Solutions

DIGITAL MARKETING SOLUTIONS In this digital age, digital marketing rises from other marketing methods, opening door’s to an international level audience, with our expertise you can put you’re brand in front of millions of people!     If you are having trouble with being found online, and have a difficult time keeping up with new […]

Las Vegas Social Media Marketing

LAS VEGAS SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Vivid Candi offers it’s professional social media marketing skills to Las Vegas! Opening doors to great things for business owners in the area!     With extensive years of experience, we at Vivid Candi have developed a natural instincts when it comes to social media! Not only that, we specialize in […]

Los Angeles Digital Agency

LOS ANGELES DIGITAL AGENCY Whether the topic is Web Development, Graphic Design, App Development, or Digital Marketing, we are the digital agency that you need. Offering multiple professional services, our full service digital agency excels in each of the categories.        We are Vivid Candi, located in beautiful Malibu California, just north of […]

Why its Important to Manage You’re Google Plus

WHY ITS IMPORTANT TO MANAGE YOUR’RE GOOGLE PLUS Most business owners that have already taken into consideration how they are seen online, are focusing on major social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on, but don’t put enough time and effort into Google Plus, which by the way is one of the pages you […]

Content Development / Enhancement

CONTENT DEVELOPMENT / ENHANCEMENT With the new Panda 4.1 update, content is something essential when trying to rank well on search engines!       The update happened September 23, 2014. Many sites that didn’t take content into consideration and had either poor content, or insufficient content were affected by this update negatively, but luck […]

Social Link Popularity

SOCIAL LINK POPULARITY With all of these new updates, new things are now a major factor in the way that you rank on search engines. For example social link popularity is now an important factor! What is Social Link Popularity?            Social Link popularity is a term that refers to how […]

Professional SEO Strategies

PROFESSIONAL SEO STRATEGIES Getting found on the internet is getting harder and harder, and as long as Google, and other search engines keep getting smarter, there is no slowing them down! This is why now more then every you need to either execute good marketing strategies yourself or you need to hire a professional agency […]