Digital agency providing print ad design for $120/hr. Located in Malibu, California.
High End Los Angeles Graphic Design Company
Orange County Web Design Needed with Wordpress Integration?
High Quality Web Design – $5k-10k
Have an App Idea. Let Us Help!
Do you have an app idea? Contact Vivid Candi to help you develop your app idea into a success. Vivid Candi is a Los Angeles Digital Agency based in Malibu California that is your one stop agency that can help you with your app development. With your idea Vivid Candi can help you from brainstorming your idea, to designing your […]
Los Angeles Agency can create your Holiday E-Blast
Vivid Candi is a Los Angeles Graphic Design Agency that can create your custom Holiday e-blast at an affordable price with our top designers. E-blast are good for promoting and marketing your company and any promotion you have going on. They are are also a good way of reminding your clients that your still around, especially […]
PDG E-commerce Customization Services
Los Angeles Branding
Check out Vivid Candi in Los Angeles, California if your starting a new business or need to re-brand your current company. Vivid Candi has the most talented designers to execute this difficult task. Vivid Candi brainstorms and researches all branding aspects to target your audience. Contact Vivid Candi at 310.456.1784 to schedule a meeting to […]