2013 is here and website technology is growing faster than ever. What are the biggest website trends happening now you ask? One major one that began in 2012 and has rapidly increased in popularity is “Responsive HTML” where website respond to a devices resolution and based on that it instantly responds and changes in front of your eyes to optimize for a perfect experience whether you’re on a high resolution PC, mid resolution Tablet or low resolution Mobile device such as an Iphone. This eliminates the need for a mobile website designed. Another trend that has only grown and has already been around for years is to build your website on the Wordpress platform. This now powers nearly 80 million+ websites and trumps competing platforms such as Drupal and Joomla. At our web design agency, there hasn’t been a request to date that Wordpress can’t handle— no matter how complicated or custom. The amazing thing is there’s a plethora of programmer’s that can make just about any custom Wordpress functionality you request. Our web design agency is fully capable of doing just this and we’re happy to give you a quote for any custom Wordpress functionality you require. Another continuing trend is to build all your Wordpress theme code using HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery– Flash technology is absolutely dead at this point.
Contact our Los Angeles based web design agency today for a quote on any custom website design needs you have for 2013! 310.456.1784 or info@vividcandi.com.